I am pleased to announce we have just released BrewTrax v1.2 
I have to say a massive "thanks" to many people on Wines At Home for supporting BrewTrax in these early stages. We are a small company and rely on feedback and help from home-brewers "in the know" like your goodselves. Over the last few weeks I have gathered a huge amount of feedback from people using BrewTrax on this forum and also from the open discussion in the Virtual Wine Circle meeting a few weeks ago.
Here is a summary of the main features and fixes......
- Diary/Scheduler is now fully integrated into the “My Brews” module. You can now select a brew and create diary entries and reminders for that brew. E.g. you can set yourself a reminder to rack, test, add finings etc.
- Diary/Scheduler is now fully integrated into the “My Cellar” module. You can now set reminders directly from the cellar, such as reminding yourself to test or taste a wine.
- Test results area now allows you to capture brew temperature, Brix, free So2 & total So2 (in addition to the existing test results for SG, TA and PH)
- New graphical chart allows you to view any of the test results side by side. For example you may wish to view and compare your Brix, SG and Temperature results on a single chart for a specific brew.
- Ability to add any bottle size you wish to BrewTrax. We already had the “common” bottle sizes, but you can now add your own.
- Manual ABV calculator. BrewTrax already calculates the ABV for any of the brews entered, but this is a handy tool to have for manual calculations. More calculators on the way too.
- Scheduler “List View”. Allows you to print a complete list of diary entries/reminders so you can plan your brewing actions\events for a given day, week, month etc.
- Scheduler “Timeline View”. Allows you to view your diary over any period of time, with full details of your reminders. Print it off ready to take into your cellar/brewing area etc.
- 15 new additional fields to log any additions you add to your brew, during the brewing/fermentation process. Several people wanted to log different items such as when Tannin was added, K-Meta, F-Pac etc. As everyone had a slightly different requirement, we have also added the ability to customise and add exactly what fields you want, rather than the software dictate what details you can and can’t record.
- New “Maintenance” section allows you to more easily backup & restore your data and locate your backup files.
- Ability to change the overall BrewTrax layout. There is now a “Horizontal” or “Vertical” setting which will stack the viewing panels side by side or on top of each other.
- Changed the way start, bulk-ageing, bottle ageing/conditioning dates worked; including some improvements to the bottling and completion wizard to make bottling your wines and moving them to the cellar much easier/faster.
- Several other fixes and other minor improvements (over 20) to the software. All of which are available to view from our documentation should those of you with a more technical background wish to read up on.
Some of you will actually get more new features than the above, as you are running even older versions. I would strongly advise you upgrade as soon as you can to take advantage of the changes.
Existing users will shortly see a prompt to upgrade their software, as soon as they start it. Please follow the instructions to upgrade. It’s a quick and simple process.
Again, I can't stress enough how important it's been to get everyones feedback on the forum. I look forward to hearing more, ready for the "next" version.... although I might treat myself to a small glass of vino and night's sleep now...
Many thanks, Stuart

I have to say a massive "thanks" to many people on Wines At Home for supporting BrewTrax in these early stages. We are a small company and rely on feedback and help from home-brewers "in the know" like your goodselves. Over the last few weeks I have gathered a huge amount of feedback from people using BrewTrax on this forum and also from the open discussion in the Virtual Wine Circle meeting a few weeks ago.
Here is a summary of the main features and fixes......
- Diary/Scheduler is now fully integrated into the “My Brews” module. You can now select a brew and create diary entries and reminders for that brew. E.g. you can set yourself a reminder to rack, test, add finings etc.
- Diary/Scheduler is now fully integrated into the “My Cellar” module. You can now set reminders directly from the cellar, such as reminding yourself to test or taste a wine.
- Test results area now allows you to capture brew temperature, Brix, free So2 & total So2 (in addition to the existing test results for SG, TA and PH)
- New graphical chart allows you to view any of the test results side by side. For example you may wish to view and compare your Brix, SG and Temperature results on a single chart for a specific brew.
- Ability to add any bottle size you wish to BrewTrax. We already had the “common” bottle sizes, but you can now add your own.
- Manual ABV calculator. BrewTrax already calculates the ABV for any of the brews entered, but this is a handy tool to have for manual calculations. More calculators on the way too.
- Scheduler “List View”. Allows you to print a complete list of diary entries/reminders so you can plan your brewing actions\events for a given day, week, month etc.
- Scheduler “Timeline View”. Allows you to view your diary over any period of time, with full details of your reminders. Print it off ready to take into your cellar/brewing area etc.
- 15 new additional fields to log any additions you add to your brew, during the brewing/fermentation process. Several people wanted to log different items such as when Tannin was added, K-Meta, F-Pac etc. As everyone had a slightly different requirement, we have also added the ability to customise and add exactly what fields you want, rather than the software dictate what details you can and can’t record.
- New “Maintenance” section allows you to more easily backup & restore your data and locate your backup files.
- Ability to change the overall BrewTrax layout. There is now a “Horizontal” or “Vertical” setting which will stack the viewing panels side by side or on top of each other.
- Changed the way start, bulk-ageing, bottle ageing/conditioning dates worked; including some improvements to the bottling and completion wizard to make bottling your wines and moving them to the cellar much easier/faster.
- Several other fixes and other minor improvements (over 20) to the software. All of which are available to view from our documentation should those of you with a more technical background wish to read up on.
Some of you will actually get more new features than the above, as you are running even older versions. I would strongly advise you upgrade as soon as you can to take advantage of the changes.
Existing users will shortly see a prompt to upgrade their software, as soon as they start it. Please follow the instructions to upgrade. It’s a quick and simple process.
Again, I can't stress enough how important it's been to get everyones feedback on the forum. I look forward to hearing more, ready for the "next" version.... although I might treat myself to a small glass of vino and night's sleep now...

Many thanks, Stuart