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  • Originally posted by Ted.B View Post
    Hello Everybody !

    Starting with a cheap Carafe 21 classic red kit just to give me a bottle to drink in the evenings which hasn't cost me very much, which is the whole point of me geting into this in the first place.
    I would go for a Wine No1 with various variations and then WN2 etc. You will not be disappointed.

    "I can certainly see that you know your wine. Most of the guests who stay here wouldn't know the difference between Bordeaux and Claret." - Basil Fawlty


    • Originally posted by SiSandrine View Post
      I would go for a Wine No1 with various variations and then WN2 etc. You will not be disappointed.

      I am in agreement with you here. Infact I chose to join this forum because of the excellent step by step guide but before I try those I felt that a quick kit would enable me to work through a checklist of sorts which would see me reach the stage where I had all the basic kit I need and a rough idea of how to use it. And also I would have 30 bottles of something that might at a push be described as a wine.

      Well I promised a question wouldn't be long coming and here it is. I got my fermenter up into the airing cupboard about three hours ago now( after pitching the yeast) but I have yet to see my airlock go through a 'bloop' cycle. How many more hours to go before I should start worrying about it ?

      Followed the kit instructions to the letter as best I could. Perhaps my must was a degree over the recommended 25 and again, the temperature in my airing cupboard is showing as 27 celcius. Ambient temps have been quite high today as I am sure you are all aware of, and thankful for.

      A quick glance at the instructions for wine#1 has shown me that I ought not worry until 48 hours have passed and I suppose that the same sort of timeframe would apply to most kits.

      Beginners panic I guess.


      • Hi

        we all worried and fretted just as you are doing over our first batches....

        worry not, give it a little more time.

        Airlock activity however is not always a good indicator of fermentation, look at the surface of the it fizzing? if it is, and the airlock isnt blooping, check how good a seal you have with the bung.

        another indicator is to remove the bung and have a listen at the mouth of the it fizzing?

        other than that....get your next batch on the go

        Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
        Wine, mead and beer maker


        • Well after posting last evening I popped off to the pub to sample a few and by the time I got back my airlock was blooping away in a very healthy looking fashion, and remains just as healthy this morning.

          Time to get those demijohns cleaned and sterlised now.



          • Just Joined

            Hi Everyone

            Have lurked for a little while and really like the site. I live in Northampton, and have returned (in recent enforced retirement) to winemaking after a 30 year absence. Determined to continue to drink well and deprive Osborne of the tax. Have made a few kits with some satisfactory success at the cheap end. Had a nerve-wracking experience with 'connoisseur' Barolo, but after lengthy struggling turned out ok in the end. WN1 (a gallon) for Xmas lasted about 3 days with my 3 adult daughters back home. Made a 5 gallon WN1 (with a Young's Red Wine yeast - I know- I know!) and got my two young granddaughters to do the mixing - Holly and Emily. They call the wine 'EmiHol' and gave a talk on it at school! I trust you will forgive them the transgression; they are not yet really ready for trademark , copyright and intellectual property rights lectures. The 5 gallons have gone already and as daughter No 2 (their mother) pointed out - Kir season is almost upon us. I shall be making up more kit wines, WN1 and possibly WN2, and some experimenting once I have a decent stock built up.

            I will watch and read, contribute where I can, possibly mainly with sarcasm, but I recognise from lurking that there are skills in this forum which greatly exceed mine. For which I thank you all.

            I drink mostly Red!




            • Originally posted by Bassman View Post
              I recognise from lurking that there are skills in this forum which greatly exceed mine. For which I thank you all.
              Hi Lawrence,

              welcome aboard, your skills will catch up in no time at all

              I kind of like EmiHol, and they made it, so they can call it what they like.... i wonder what the teacher thought when they posed the "what did you do this weekend" question, and the answer came back...we made wine!

              Last edited by lockwood1956; 12-04-2011, 07:08 AM.
              Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
              Wine, mead and beer maker


              • Where did the real world go?

                Hello world ... Just put down two gallons with a mate. He asked me to help him to try out winemaking. I'm sure I've only been out of the loop for a year or two, but my old wine shop's closed and now they're only doing the market once a month. Only "real-world" place in town to get supplies now is the local ironmonger, who has a few bit's and bobs, mostly dusty. Thankfully the supermarket's still selling oranges and lemons or I'd just give up now ;-) Gripe over, for now :-) All the best to all you cyberspace brew-peeps ...


                • Hi Norman! Welcome to wah.


                  • Originally posted by Bassman View Post

                    I drink mostly Red!


                    Hi Lawrence,

                    Welcome aboard. I can see Holly and Emily enjoying making grape wine in September. A great family fun event. You will never look back.


                    Gluten free, caffeine free, dairy free, fat free – you gotta love this red wine diet!


                    • Originally posted by Bassman;81713...
                      contribute where I can, possibly mainly with sarcasm ...
                      You'll fit in well here, then

                      Originally posted by norman View Post
                      Only "real-world" place in town to get supplies now is the local ironmonger
                      Our very own Duffbeer runs - a good place to try if you are partial to a bit of mail-order.

                      Welcome aboard both.
                      Pete the Instructor

                      It looks like Phil Donahue throwing up into a tuba


                      • ... DuffBeer

                        ... good looking site. With PayPal, of which I am a great fan.


                        • Originally posted by norman View Post
                          ... good looking site. With PayPal, of which I am a great fan.
                          Duff's service is excellent,

                          Paypal I'm wary of.


                          • Hi there

                            Started wine brewing about 4 months ago. Some of you may recognise my name as I ask a load of probably annoying questions at the Home Wine and Beer Making Forum. Now I'm here to ask a new load of annoying questions (the kit making forum looks particulary interesting here) G


                            • Hi gmjh,

                              Welcome to this forum.

                              'sorted' your other thread out for you



                              • Hello from Lake Erie

                                Hello, I have been making wine for a few years now mainly from kits and juice. I just discovered this forum the other day and I am always looking for new idea's from friends far and near. I am on the South Side of Lake Erie in Erie, PA, USA. I hope to learn some new tricks and respond to others when ever possible. Below is a list of what I Have made to date:
                                Island Mist Cranberry Melbec
                                5 Gal Maple Syrup
                                6 gal Chilean Carmenere
                                6 gal Chilean Malbec
                                6 gal Chilean Red Zinfandel
                                6 gal Chilean Muscato
                                6 gal Chilean Pinot grigio
                                6 gal Gewürztraminer 5B
                                6 gal Riesling 5B
                                7 gal Candy Cane
                                6 gal Niagara
                                5 gal Plum
                                6 gal fredonia
                                7 gal Blackberry/Isabella
                                7 gal Labrusca

                                Made and Bottled
                                From Juice:
                                - Late Harvest Vignoles w/ chocolate
                                - Late Harvest Vignoles
                                - cherry/chocolate
                                - cherry chocolate/almonds
                                -Tall Ships (Niagara 80% & Cayuga 20%)
                                -Cayuga with 20% Niagara blend
                                -Meghans Vista (Concord 2/3 & Dimond 1/3)
                                -Sweet Harvest Blend (Niagara/Concord 50/50)
                                -Vidal x3
                                -Raspberry Blush x2
                                -Rhubarb x2
                                -Rhubarb Strawberry
                                -Blackberry Isabella
                                -Niagara x2
                                -Mystic Sky (Niagara/Cranberry Blend) x2
                                -Vidal Ice Wine
                                _Vidal Ice Wine with chocolate blend

                                -Skeeter Pee
                                -Skeeter Pee with Raspberry/Apple concentrate
                                -Apple/Jalapeno Wine
                                -Country Apple from Cider

                                RJS Cru Select
                                - German Riesling Traminer
                                - Italian Chianti Riserva
                                Orchard Breezin:
                                -CranApple Chardonnay
                                -Sangria w/Seville Orange
                                -Watermelon White Merlot
                                -Acai Raspberry Cabernet Sauvignon
                                -Calypso Bianco
                                -Pomegranate Wildberry Zinfandel
                                -Raspberry White Zinfandel
                                -Green Apple Gewurztraminer
                                -Cranberry Chianti

                                - RJS Orange Chocolate Port

                                Wine Expert:
                                Island Mist –
                                -BlueBerry Pinot Noir
                                -Blackberry Cabernet
                                -Peach Apricot Chardonnay x 2
                                -Black Raspberry Merlot
                                -Wildberry Shiraz
                                -Green Apple Riesling
                                -Strawberry White Merlot
                                -Exotic Fruits White Zifandel
                                -Mango Citrus Symphony
                                -Kiwi Pear Sauvignon Blanc
                                -White Cranberry Pinot Gris x 2

                                Vintners Reserve-
                                -Liebfraumilch x 2

                                Selection White Zinfandel
                                Selection Estate – Washington Columbia Valley Riesling x2
                                Selection Original – Piesporter
                                Selection Viognier
                                Selection Symphony
                                Selection Vieux Chateau Du Roi
                                Selection Original White Merlot x2
                                World Vineyard South African Chenin Blanc x2
                                World Vineyard – Washington Riesling
                                Limited Edition –
                                -New Zealand Gewürztraminer
                                -Australian Riesling
                                -Trio Blanca
                                -Pacific Quartet
                                -Pacifica White

                                Heron Bay:
                                Ultra Gewurztraminer
                                Ultra Cabernet Merlot

