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  • Welcome Anne.

    I think dried cherries will work if they do not contain sorbate or oils. Check the label beforehand. Not sure but I think Keller has a grapefruit recipe of some kind.

    It's a very forgiving hobby. One gallon batches are a great way to start.


    • Hi Anne. I'me new to the site as well. From what I've seen so far you'll get all the knowledge you can handle from these guys(and gals). I'm sure we've all had disasters but I reckon homewinemakers have more success that failures.
      Doctors always have a stethoscope to hand and ALL winemakers should have a hydrometer.


      • Thanks for the welcome

        I am reading lots and probably making myself more intimidated than I need to be. I am learning so much. What a great group of people here


        • Welcome aboard Anne

          hope you enjoy your time here

          Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
          Wine, mead and beer maker


          • Hi Anne welcome , ime new as well they are a very helpfull lot here and loads of good info.Ime sure you will be putting those cherries to good use soon.


            • Patience Anne

              You need that even more than a hydrometer! I have been making one-gallon batches and it takes a while before you finally get to taste what you've been working on for so long. This group is very informative and lots of help.



              • Me!!

                Hi my name is Joe i own an orchard/allotment so i am intrested in making apple cider and pear cider also sloe wine I have just started on my first bath of Turbo Cider so hopefully if all goes well I will have some apple cider by the end of the week. Thanks Joe


                • welcome joe hope you enjoy youself while your here
                  "we need a bigger boat"


                  • Hi Farmercoop! Glad to have you aboard! What variety apples and pears ya got in that orchard? Join right in......
                    REBEL MODERATOR

                    ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"


                    • Hi Farmercoop In the links their is a link with Alot of articals about's in their about perry.
                      I hope you enjoy it.


                      • Well patience is cheap so I did order a hydrometer and some additional supplies. So I went a head and started 2 gallons of turbo cider and it is bubbling away nicely. this is my first batch ever and it has been going since the 9th. I am kind of confused as to when to rack it but I am pretty sure that I am only going to rack one gallon as it is already pretty tasty. I am constantly searching for gallon jugs and even larger ones but funds are short so I have to be on the look out. So far I have eight but I can see easily needing many more. It has occured to me today as I was checking my brew that winemaking is a lot like bread making. From making a starter to learning how it should look, feel ,taste etc. It is definitly an art. I love this forum, everyone is so nice and not at all snobish as I have found on some others. I am glad I am here.


                        • I think the wine snobs are the ones who wouldn't touch home made wine with a well sterilized barge pole. They can't identify it. Ain't got no wine region, grape variety(apart from those made with real grapes of course) and they can't date it. So, in short, they can't show off.


                          • I agree with Nobby.

                            We are also very glad you are here, Anne.
                            REBEL MODERATOR

                            ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"


                            • You could look here.

                              Speaking Of Demi Johns last week I was walking, and decided to go down this one Block very close to my house,
                              and found 8 US gallon Demi's(And a few canning jars) in the recycling The guy said I could have them.
                              4 of them are Long or narrow.

                              Oh yeah, and My neighbor also throws one out every garbage day, but this time 4
                              good I stayed Awake LAte to crush some grapes.(Oddly They weren't out there all Day)


                              • HI Joe welcome ime fairly new here as well ,ive got an allotment also but grow mainly vegetables and lots of soft fruit ,raspberries have been brilliant this year

