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  • I have gotten most of my bottle and jugs from people on Freecycle. I just love freecycle! I have also gotten rid of a lot of things that other people wanted/needed that I didnt have room for.


    • I've got about 25 one gallon demi-johns. Last year I gave 10 away to an old collegue as he was going to start on the winemaking. He asked what I wanted. I said for him to give me a couple of bottles of his brew when he was ready. Ain't seen him since.
      The DJ's have certainly gone up in price, which I didn't realise when I gave him some. Here, in the UK, I saw some in a local wine brew shop for £5 each(that's $9.50 of your Yankee dollars). I hope you get 'em cheaper than that. I know you can get them on Ebay for a song but postage might be a problem. I shan't be giving anymore away.


      • Nice to meet you Joe
        Let's party

        AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


        • Hello all,

          A lapsed homebrewer here, returning to the fold...

          It's been years since I brewed anything, but finding your great site and seeing some of the new kits available has renewed my interest and caused me to dust off the old kit and get something bubbling...

          Many moons ago, I used to do kit beers, wine from seasonal fruit (preferably free) and the odd kit wine. I'm now in the process of doing a few kits to get my hand back in, and I must say it's great fun, all over again - apart from the endless sterilizing.

          Currently have a JB Country Cider priming in bottles and a very cheap wine kit bubbliing away for a practise run on the vino. I have a Kenridge Classic Barolo kit to try after this effort, which should hopefully turn out nice...

          Anyway, great site guys - a mine of information!


          • Welcome Paul! We are collecting quite a crew here!

            ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"


            • Welcome back to the fold, Paul. Happy Brewing
              Let's party

              AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


              • Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to trying some of the new stuff that's available!

                HB certainly seems to have moved on while I've been away...


                • Welcome aboard Paul

                  Try the Kenridge Amarone kit, it's fab (the classic can get it here but only to supplier got me took a while to arrive.

                  It was just awarded No 1 in the top 100 wine kits by winemaker magazine

                  Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
                  Wine, mead and beer maker


                  • Thanks Bob!

                    Originally posted by lockwood1956 View Post
                    Try the Kenridge Amarone kit, it's fab (the classic can get it here but only to supplier got me took a while to arrive.
                    Is that different to the Kenridge Showcase Amarone? - Brewgenie seem to stock that one at £50. I've seen the Amarone mentioned, and recommended, several times, but I'm hoping the Barolo will be nice too - the Kenridge kits do seem to have a good reputation.

                    Cheers, Paul


                    • Hi Paul and welcome .


                      • Thanks jake


                        • Welcome smurfe!

                          what up?


                          • Hi all

                            Hello everybody, thanks to lockwood for dropping me the link here, my real name is Karl, I've been been brewing in a more seriouse fashion for about three months, used to dabble a little years ago but mainly beer.
                            I am thoroughly enjoying the process which as you all know is extreemly rewarding in more ways than one (hic hic).
                            I've done a few white wine kits but prefer real fruit wine, to press I've made, tea and raisin, cranburry rose', pumpkin, fruit cocktail, peach, plum(greengage), pineapple, summer fruits,and rhubarb, I have on the go at the moment a rice n raisin, another plum and an elderflower(kit). I've had a pretty lucky 3 months as everything has turned out well(thanks to forums like this and the help of fellow enthusiasts). I look forward to posting here, asking for advice, having fun and helping when I can...Karl
                            Discount Home Brew Supplies
                            Chairman of 5 Towns Wine & Beer Makers Circle!
                            Convenor of Judges YFAWB Show Committee
                            National Wine Judge
                            N.G.W.B.J Member


                            • Howd'ya do, Karl, welcome to the forum.
                              Let's party

                              AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


                              • Welcome Karl
                                great to see you here, hope to have you participate in the discussions.

                                Do you want some fresh grapes in 2007, (imported from Spain Italy and Sicily) David, heeby and I take them. Because you live so close to us you might want to take some too, (they are between £5 and £7 a box. a box is 20lbs) you are welcome to use my crusher/destemmer etc to process them, or at the very least come and help at crush/destem time and stay for a few beers/wines.

                                Are you interested in Pontefract and district wine circle (meeting on Mon 8th Jan if you fancy it) they normally meet on the 1st Mon of the month unless its a bank holiday.

                                welcome aboard
                                hope you enjoy your stay
                                Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
                                Wine, mead and beer maker

