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Lovin the weather

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  • Lovin the weather

    Well it's been a great week for the weather and I had the week off work...yipee.
    Decided to spend time gardening and very enjoyable it's been too.
    I took over this plot last year, it was badly overgrown and had been neglected for the last ten years. I got a small crop last year but this year looks more promising.


    The left side of the garden is dedicated to fruit, last March I planted two cherry, two plum and a damson tree, two gooseberry bushes, redcurrant and blackcurrant bushes, and a full patch of strawberries. All of which are showing signs of fruit at the moment, their is also three huge well established rhubarb crowns which yeald a massive stock of rhubarb.


    To the right is my vegetable plots, I built raised beds earlier this year to increase the soil depth and improve drainage should we get an over average rain fall like last year it shouldn't effect the plants. I also find them easier to manage, no need to stand on the soil and compressing it.
    So far things are showing signs of a good healthy crop. Planted so far are leeks, peas, carrots, "PARSNIPS" and for wine making only I'm growing pumpkins. I have also planted onions, shallots, cabbage, couliflower, broccoli, potatoes, sweet corn, French beans and the usual salad stuff. In the green house are cherry tomato's, moneymaker tomato's and a few chilli and pepper verieties.


    The above is my grape vines which are bursting with life, I have 17 vines in all, 5 Regent, 5 Vitis, 5 Solaris, 1 Rondo and 1 Rietchenstiener. I dont expect anything this year as it's only their second year, but fingers crossed should be bearing grapes next year.

    As a well known member of this site would say...woop de doop life is good
    Discount Home Brew Supplies
    Chairman of 5 Towns Wine & Beer Makers Circle!
    Convenor of Judges YFAWB Show Committee
    National Wine Judge
    N.G.W.B.J Member

  • #2
    Looks good, Duff.

    Nice weather here too and am doing a bit of gardening myself today. Just went and picked up a chokeberry (aka aronia) bush. Jack Keller says you can make a nice wine out of it that will blend well with other berries. (Is there anything Jack hasn't made wine out of?)

    I also bought lavender, basil, oregano, orange mint, chive, and sage for the herb garden, and last week, planted a montmorency cherry tree.


    • #3
      Week of work duff mmmm you be carefull don't you be overdoing it.The allotment is looking good


      • #4
        Look at this cheeky monkey in my garden and can anyone tell me what this monster looking plant is?
        Attached Files
        Everybody should believe in something; I believe i'll have another drink!


        • #5
          Your plot is looking good there Duff. Just trying to get on top of ours!


          • #6
            [QUOTE=Cariad66;34118]Look at this cheeky monkey in my garden and can anyone tell me what this monster looking plant is?[/QUOTE]

            I think it's a Solomon's Seal
            Let's party

            AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


            • #7
              I think you are right, I know it as Solomans seal. by the way thats a squirrel !!?? not a monkey!!
              Getting better with age just like wine


              • #8
                Well it's nice when all the hard work pay's off, picked this little haul and there's more to come.

                Discount Home Brew Supplies
                Chairman of 5 Towns Wine & Beer Makers Circle!
                Convenor of Judges YFAWB Show Committee
                National Wine Judge
                N.G.W.B.J Member


                • #9
                  Interesting wine ingrediants.
                  National Wine Judge NGWBJ

                  Secretary of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Society

                  My friends would think I was a nut, turning water into wine....... Lyrics from Solsbury hill by Peter Gabriel

                  Member of THE newest wine circle in Yorkshire!!


                  • #10
                    Well, apart from the lettuce and garlic you could ferment the rest, but I think apart from the strawberry's and gooseberry's the rest will be eaten...yum
                    Discount Home Brew Supplies
                    Chairman of 5 Towns Wine & Beer Makers Circle!
                    Convenor of Judges YFAWB Show Committee
                    National Wine Judge
                    N.G.W.B.J Member


                    • #11
                      You may wish to hang on to the Gooseberries till after Colins talk on monday
                      Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
                      Wine, mead and beer maker


                      • #12
                        All in the freezer awaiting Mr Tweeds talk
                        Discount Home Brew Supplies
                        Chairman of 5 Towns Wine & Beer Makers Circle!
                        Convenor of Judges YFAWB Show Committee
                        National Wine Judge
                        N.G.W.B.J Member


                        • #13
                          not long now karl.

