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One of those days

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  • One of those days

    I was sat in the front room watchin TV when there was a god almighty bang...

    Looked out the window and there was a driverless car in the front yard and the wall scattered across the lawn

    I live across the road from a filling station.
    A young lass had pulled in, got out to fill up and forgotten to apply her handbrake.
    As the forecourt is on a hill, gravity took over.
    Her vehicle crossed both lanes of the road, bounced off my car and became a new garden feature.
    This happened about 3:15 pm. The road is usually quite busy this time of day, fortunately the school summer holidays have just started or the road would have been full of kiddies.
    I wish I was a glow worm
    Cos a glow worm's never glum
    It's hard to be unhappy
    When the sun shines out your bum

  • #2
    Ouch, good job you weren't mowing the lawn then Zeb
    Discount Home Brew Supplies
    Chairman of 5 Towns Wine & Beer Makers Circle!
    Convenor of Judges YFAWB Show Committee
    National Wine Judge
    N.G.W.B.J Member


    • #3
      funny you should say that..

      its bin day tomorrow, so I had just cut it an hour earlier
      I wish I was a glow worm
      Cos a glow worm's never glum
      It's hard to be unhappy
      When the sun shines out your bum


      • #4
        It say's a lot for women drivers eh, I'll now run for cover
        Discount Home Brew Supplies
        Chairman of 5 Towns Wine & Beer Makers Circle!
        Convenor of Judges YFAWB Show Committee
        National Wine Judge
        N.G.W.B.J Member


        • #5
          don't forget to put a claim in - personal injury caused by whip lash from the arm chair.

          After all, you were startled by the noise etc!

          The place I used to work at, a dairy. One of the few lady drivers we had (not many in the world of professional driving), managed to back a tanker into the unloading bay - a very slight backward downhill incline (to stop any spilt milk running away).

          she also forgot to apply her handbrake (dunno how as there's usually a bloody great hiss as it dumps the air).

          As they unloaded the tank, the suspension raised as the weight came off, to the point that the truck started to roll - forward.

          It pulled the hose coupling and hose for the unloading rig off the gantry. It rolled across the yard. It went through a high "lorry kerb", it took out 2 sets of railings and wrote off a car that happened to belong to an agency driver - who'd never worked out of that site before - and never did after.

          The misogynistic sarcasm abounded in the yard for about a month.

          Hope all the repairs etc go ok and don't get any admin/insurance delays Zeb.

          As they say, "sh1t happens".


          Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

          Some blog ramblings


          • #6
            Very Scairy.

            Now you can blame all the little messed up bits of your yard on the crash and hopefully get it all redone !!!


            ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"

