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Equipment Necessities

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  • Equipment Necessities

    There appears to be a wide range of of very expensive equipment in use by the WAH members , some of whom seem to be making rather large quantities of wine that would make the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous turn over in their grave. However, there are a number of us, me included, who avererage less than 5 - 10 gallon per month, who just want to have a fairly cheap hobby which gives a rewarding return.

    On this basis what would the experts list as the best return on for a low outlay, that is, what pieces of equipment would you buy for £100, with no single piece of equipment costing no more than £30?.

  • #2
    Bottling wand - £5 (i do still use mine)

    plastic DJ - £1 ish, with 5 litres of free water in.

    decent ingredients (inc good yeast)- Priceless. (crap in = crap out)

    Patience - free.

    I have some expensive toys, but didn't get them all at once. it took a long time of saving and borrowing other peoples stuff.

    If you search carefully you can get a floor corker for around your £30 limit there. These are well worth the money I think, I had a hand corker for a while and hated the thought of bottling day. Now, a floor corker makes it a breeze.

    Small deep saucepan, about £3 from tesco's etc. For boiling water in to fit shrink caps with. Saves ruining wifes nice pan somehow, and getting in trouble.

    Spray bottle, £2, to keep some 10% sulphite solution in. (100g sulphite, topped upto 1litre mark) very good for sanitising spoons etc.

    Spoons.. small set of measuring spoons, BIG plastic spoon. Can never have enough of these. <£5
    Last edited by Rich; 22-09-2010, 11:08 PM.


    • #3
      You don't need to spend much at all on equipment to knock out very large amounts of wine every year.


      • #4
        To Rich's list I would add

        A hydrometer - and a spare for when you break it (and you will)

        plastic seive


        plastic funnels

        Poultry baster - cheaper than a wine thief

        Harris filter for that final polish.

        All the above for about £40
        Let's party

        AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


        • #5
          I think Rich and Mamgiowl have come up with a comprehensive list between them.

          I too have some toys - a Minijet filter, an Enolmatic vacuum bottler and so on - but they are not essential, and are not even worth using on batches smaller than 5 gals.

          If you wanted to make 5 gal batches/kits you could add a 33 litre fermenting buckets and a 5 gal Better Bottle to that list, because there is no reason why you can't filter and bottle 5 gals with the kit that has already been listed.
          Pete the Instructor

          It looks like Phil Donahue throwing up into a tuba


          • #6
            Don't forget the most important bit:

            (No heretics drinking from tumblers / the bottle thank you very much!)


            • #7
              Originally posted by benarnold View Post
              Don't forget the most important bit:

              (No heretics drinking from tumblers / the bottle thank you very much!)
              Of course not, though jam jars that have been through the dishwasher are very convenient....


              Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

              Some blog ramblings


              • #8
                look for a 2nd hand press, juicer and steam juicer...

                i picked up a floor corker for £10 on ebay

                eBay is great if you dont launch into it and wait for the right thing at the right price
                Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
                Wine, mead and beer maker


                • #9
                  keep an eye on the "equipment" thread...people flag stuff up all the time, and we organise ourselves so we don't bid against each other
                  Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
                  Wine, mead and beer maker


                  • #10
                    ive not been into this that long 2 years. no real fancy stuff. best buys floor corker and steam juicer. must admit fancy a erogomatic or what ever bottle filler but just cant justify the cost so tube and tap for me. slowly buying better bottles as prefer 5 gal to demijohns. have a harris filter mk2 and a new one new one is much better than mk2.


                    • #11
                      i've always been a gradual "build on what you know" type, rather than take a step into the unknown. At the 5-10 gallon/month stage the best single investment i made was a 5 gallon FV to go with my 5 gallon bucket. this meant i could do "big batches" of my favourite wines easily. A wide neck (muslin/nylon bag removal) and airlock ready hole (so a good 2ndry vessel) were essential requirements. but i had 20+ DJ's at that stage so perhaps a bit ambulatory.

                      Other than that ...
                      Self belief (especially with a good foundation) ... free
                      Curiosity ... may kill the cat but it has a better quality of life! ... free
                      Patience ... already been said but the most important ingredient in wine-making so can't be said too much. ... free
                      Last edited by ms67; 24-09-2010, 04:08 AM. Reason: purely clarity
                      To most people solutions mean answers. To chemists solutions are things that are mixed up.
                      A fine wine is a fine wine, 1st time may be by accident, 2nd time is by design - that's why you keep notes.


                      • #12
                        A patient eye on freecycle ... lots of useful goodies to be had and a notebook to jot down the advice of the experienced and to keep notes. Forgetting to keep notes can lead to future heartache.

                        ... oh, and a pen, of course.
                        “Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana!”
                        Groucho Marx


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by wisp View Post
                          a notebook to jot down the advice of the experienced and to keep notes. Forgetting to keep notes can lead to future heartache
                          hear hear
                          Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
                          Wine, mead and beer maker


                          • #14
                            I too have some expensive toys, but these like others have taken years to acquire.

                            Some equipment will make a difference to the final quality, and it is pursuit of excellence not volume that often leads to purchase.

                            I have to say I take a 'return on investment' view of equipment - some things are easily afforded (in your head!!) if you look at what your are saving.

                            All that said my most useful piece of kit (which cost a tenner) is still the small inline caravan pump on the end of the syphon tube. This enables me to syphon uphill and avoid moving/lifting glassware or volumes of liquid. 25l is too much to lift, even if it is in plastic, further by not moving it the racking efficiency is improved.

                            Gluten free, caffeine free, dairy free, fat free you gotta love this red wine diet!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by grumpy View Post
                              ......... However, there are a number of us, me included, who avererage less than 5 - 10 gallon per month .........
                              Blimey you make ALL THAT!!

                              It has just occurred to me that the only difference here is the amount of time we spend doing it!!.

                              5 - 10 gallon per months is the same as 270 - 540 litres PER ANNUM

                              So just 'cos you quote your figures monthly ( ie divided by 12), and use imperial (larger) units of measure, don't think you are not contributing to the said grave spinning experienced by founder members of Alcoholics Anonymous

                              I only make 1/2 gallon a day!
                              Last edited by Cellar_Rat; 22-02-2011, 09:00 PM.
                              Gluten free, caffeine free, dairy free, fat free you gotta love this red wine diet!

