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Most users ever online...

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  • Most users ever online...

    So...Most users ever online was 169, 01-07-2007 at 04:50 AM...

    Cmon, I've gotta know, that's some kind of monthly system test or something isnt it? I want to hear that it's not! I want you all to tell me that there was some big event and 167 of you were up to celebrate it. The birth of a new super-grape hybrid or something cool.

    Please don't tell me it was a death or something

  • #2
    The numbers are always skewed by the search engine robots

    the real figure was probably 1/2 that number, and half of those would be visitors who werre not members. We get a lot of search engine robot traffic as I submit the site to the search engines monthly.
    Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
    Wine, mead and beer maker


    • #3
      I was hoping for something more romantic tbh, would it have hurt to have spin me a yarn


      • #4
        Sorry aid
        Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
        Wine, mead and beer maker


        • #5
          Of those 169 users on line 160 were French and Italian vintners from the Rhone Valley, Bordeaux and Burgundy and Chianti regions who after my email invitation to take part, asked for and received a longer lunch break from their employers, to watch my late night web cam demonstration of "how to cock up the acid additions to a fresh grape wine must whilst preparing it drunk" (long story)

          I'm a little annoyed as 756 said they would be watching!!

          all I can assume is that they must have set up a viewing room at the wineries and 20 to 30 at a time must have been watching one computer screen.

          Oh sorry and there was one guy from Napa valley said he would drop in (must check the stat logs to see if he did)

          hows that?
          Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
          Wine, mead and beer maker


          • #6
            Watch this space for the next enthralling episode in the series

            "How to wait 16 weeks for MLF to start, having added too much SO2"
            Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
            Wine, mead and beer maker


            • #7
              that was beautiful man!


              • #8
                Originally posted by lockwood1956 View Post
                Of those 169 users on line 160 were French and Italian vintners from the Rhone Valley, Bordeaux and Burgundy and Chianti regions who after my email invitation to take part, asked for and received a longer lunch break from their employers, to watch my late night web cam demonstration of "how to cock up the acid additions to a fresh grape wine must whilst preparing it drunk" (long story)

                I'm a little annoyed as 756 said they would be watching!!

                all I can assume is that they must have set up a viewing room at the wineries and 20 to 30 at a time must have been watching one computer screen.

                Oh sorry and there was one guy from Napa valley said he would drop in (must check the stat logs to see if he did)

                hows that?

                Heheee crackin dude
                Discount Home Brew Supplies
                Chairman of 5 Towns Wine & Beer Makers Circle!
                Convenor of Judges YFAWB Show Committee
                National Wine Judge
                N.G.W.B.J Member


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lockwood1956 View Post
                  Of those 169 users on line 160 were French and Italian vintners from the Rhone Valley, Bordeaux and Burgundy and Chianti regions who after my email invitation to take part, asked for and received a longer lunch break from their employers, to watch my late night web cam demonstration of "how to **** up the acid additions to a fresh grape wine must whilst preparing it drunk" (long story)

                  I'm a little annoyed as 756 said they would be watching!!

                  all I can assume is that they must have set up a viewing room at the wineries and 20 to 30 at a time must have been watching one computer screen.

                  Oh sorry and there was one guy from Napa valley said he would drop in (must check the stat logs to see if he did)

                  hows that?
                  Yeah, that was a night, eh? It will go down in the annals
                  Let's party

                  AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mamgiowl View Post
                    Yeah, that was a night, eh? It will go down in the annals

                    Oh ya - there was also three or four other evenings that were building up to the record one and no explanation what happened there/ Cheers DAW


                    • #11
                      I think it just came out of the anals of a bull.

                      REBEL MODERATOR

                      ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hippie View Post
                        I think it just came out of the anals of a bull.

                        Guilty as charged
                        Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
                        Wine, mead and beer maker

