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WTF Happened????

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  • WTF Happened????

    I've just racked some of my Ribena wine. It's not finished (SG1026) and is very sluggish so I thought I'd add B1 tab and nutrient to give it a bit of a tonic. I crushed and added the tab. and then thought I'd be clever. Just as well! I poured some wine into a small jug, added nurtrient AND THE BLOODY STUFF WENT BLACK. It's new nutrient, sell by date 10/07, so can anyone tell me what's occurring? I'm still shaking at the thought of what would have happened if I'd cut out the jug bit.
    Let's party

    AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries

  • #2
    Maybe trying to call up the Brew shop, and asking

    You might want to Ask I used a product and it went black, but If you say I used this or that they might say Oh that's because, but If they have no Clue what You added they can't feed you No B.S.

    but I don't want to get myself into trou


    • #3
      I know this is of no help but the only time I saw something similar was when i added red wine to a VWP steralising fluid solution.
      I drink therefore I am.


      • #4
        It might be worth saving the stuff that went black, just to see what happens to it over time, any other additives added during ferment?

        not seen owt like this before.

        sorry not to be able to help, I'm sure Either Hippie or Pat will know
        Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
        Wine, mead and beer maker


        • #5
          Bob, I threw the stuff away, but if it happens again I'll save it and see.
          Only the normal things were added at the start of fermentation (including nutrient, though not from the same tub).

          Habanero, it's exactly the reaction you get when adding VWP, but it was definitely nutrient, and a new tub I'd just broken the seal of. Anyway it looks like nutrient........

          BTW, both the spoon and the jug were thoroughly rinsed with hot water before use. even more
          Last edited by Mamgiowl; 30-03-2006, 07:19 PM.
          Let's party

          AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


          • #6
            It sounds more like what happens when you use a part of the must to mix K-Meta in when you are just starting, before you add it back to the full volume. The only thing I can think of is that maybe you added a campden tablet instead of a B1. I have never experienced this before. I wish I could help more.

            ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"


            • #7
              Hippie, I've triple checked everything and it was definitely a B1 tablet. I keep all my chemicals in different drawers - starting things, Yeast etc in one, stopping things in another, acids in yet another and the VWP is safely under the sink. Anyway the B1 was added direct to the DJ and no probs there. I'm stumped. I plan to get another red wine racked tomorrow and I'll get an egg-cupful and add the nutrient to it and see what happens then. Strange, innit?
              Let's party

              AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


              • #8
                thought you mentioned in the original post it was the NUTRIENT that made the wine go black ????

                Was the nutrient like normal, similar to sugar and white ?

                Also most HBS's purchase there adjuncts in bulk and split it into smaller tubs n containers to suit the customer, mebbe they got the wrong one in the tub ?? just a thought.


                • #9
                  She was just repling to Hippie s comments of the campden tab's

                  Black from a campden tablet I have never saw this

                  brown maybe, but not black even in one of my red wines I added way to much powder.


                  • #10
                    Yes try the nutrient test, but after that if nothing happens try

                    Repeating the chemicals maybe the B1 had a effect with them, you might Know it never happend, but maybe their is somthing wrong with the nutrient,that needs assistence from the B1 tablet to show up.

                    You never know ---------- whats the experation date on the B1?(most likly it doesn't matter I guess)


                    • #11
                      David, it is just as you say, little crystals, looks nothing like VWP, and it was Youngs nutrient in a container with a pull-off seal round the lid.
                      Anyway, I'll be doing the test later on today and if the same thing happens I will be getting in touch with them. Harumph!
                      Let's party

                      AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


                      • #12
                        Ok Mamgi*** please keep us all posted on this one, I think most if not all of us would like to know what was goin on.


                        • #13
                          Right! Just racked off a cherry wine and added a spoonful of nutrient to the lees. Guess what? Yep, it happened again. No B1 tablet involved at all.
                          Just sent off a scorching e-mail to Young's and am awaiting a reply.
                          I had a thought that it might be that I didn't drive off all the preservatives initially, BUT nutrient was added at the beginning of both brews so that can't be the answer.
                          I'll be keeping the black sludge in case Youngs want to see it, and I'll keep you all informed if and when they reply. (They better!!! )
                          Let's party

                          AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


                          • #14
                            when you add the nutrient does it dissolve easily or does some of it go lumpy ?


                            • #15
                              Hhmmm...this is getting very interesting Mamgi. Stay after them. Good to save that evidence. I am dying to know what is happening with that nutrient!
                              REBEL MODERATOR

                              ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"

