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Runnerbean, raisin and ... plum

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  • Runnerbean, raisin and ... plum

    I cant find the thread, but I know I was advised to use a vastly over-sweet plum wine that was never gonna be drinkable, as a top-up on another fermentation. I had 2 gallons of runnerbean wine on the go, I used the gallon of plum on it. 4 months on I've just filtered the end product. You know, it's not bloody bad! Odd sounding, but it works

  • #2
    Fantastic, well the worlds finest wines are blends
    Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
    Wine, mead and beer maker


    • #3
      I've just done the same with an oversweet apricot and a teeth-meltingly dry peapod.
      Result? One of the best I've made.
      Let's party

      AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


      • #4
        well the worlds finest wines are blends
        I've just done the same with an oversweet apricot and a teeth-meltingly dry peapod.
        All our best wines seem to be something-and-something. I've just blended an apricot that tasted like the brown unsuplhured dried fruit with some mango that was vanishingly subtle. neither was sweet and the result was a very nice, fruity wine best drunk as a sherry or after a meal (or both....)


        • #5
          I would like to take credit for the good advice, if it is OK with whoever really gave it !!!


          ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hippie View Post
            I would like to take credit for the good advice, if it is OK with whoever really gave it !!!

            Yaaa! for that -- We are great blenders from way back. Especially for these root and vegetable wines. I am sure glad that they are being enjoyed. I have recently read a number of articles saying that they have enjoyed these wines along with flower wines and herb wines? I have not gone out on the limb on these wines and I still think that I will stay with the fruits and meads. I will use the occasional flower petal and spices and herbs as necessary in the meads. I also like a little licorice on occasion. Cheers DAW

