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  • Apples

    I have been given about eight pounds of apples.
    my question is:- As I havn't got a press or money for one, can I put them through a juicer and then maybe freeze the juice before using.
    I have got eleven D/Js at various stages of brewing, none ready for bottling, so none spare at the moment.(I am trying to learn how to be patient).
    I have got ten pounds of blackberries and the above apples can you recomend a recipe for 1 gallon


  • #2
    Well you have at least 2 gallons of wine in the 10 pounds blackberries.

    I reckon the 8 pounds apples can be made into a gallon of wine. You can chop the apples into small chunks, freeze for a few weeks, thaw, let the yeastiebeasties work on them.

    Have you looked in the recipe section ?


    ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"


    • #3
      Thanks for the speedy reply Hippie. Your not anywhere near the bad weather are you. (not a wine question) just interested/concerned.



      • #4
        Originally posted by alcopop View Post
        my question is:- As I havn't got a press or money for one, can I put them through a juicer and then maybe freeze the juice before using.
        This was actually a point I was going to raise myself, I don't have much spare freezer space right now, but am going to pick some Freecycle apples and pears tomorrow, so I was also wondering if it would be okay to just freeze the juice of say 6 lbs apples and then use that rather than using all the pulp as well... thereby saving freezer space...
        HRH Her Lushness

        Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.


        • #5
          I forgot to say that I was also running out of freezer space and juce takes up much less.So lets hope that we get a positive answer to our question Your Lushness


          • #6
            Yes, the juice will freeze perfectly fine.
            Discount Home Brew Supplies
            Chairman of 5 Towns Wine & Beer Makers Circle!
            Convenor of Judges YFAWB Show Committee
            National Wine Judge
            N.G.W.B.J Member


            • #7
              Dunno about the recipe section for apple recipes (haven't looked), but I just put my apples in the liquidiser/food processor and pulp them, then into a bucket with a gallon of water, add pectolase and campden and leave then for a couple of days.

              Then it's a case of wringing the pulp in a straining bag as much as possible.

              Then you can check the gravity and add the appropriate amount of sugar to whatever gravity you want to start it at (dunno ? what ? something like 1080 or 1090 should do the trick), add some nutrient and yeast.........

              And bingo! ferment out in the usual way.

              Oh and one of CJJ's recipe says about using 10 kilo's of apples per gallon (yes, 10 kg), but I use about 10lb or so. "His" recipe (in the First Steps book) notes say that with 10kg apples per gallon and it's go quite a "cidery" bouquet.

              Either way, the crush/milling part with some water, pectolase and campden tablet (and straining bag) will get you the juice. Then it's up to you.

              dunno if that helps any


              Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

              Some blog ramblings


              • #8
                Originally posted by alcopop View Post
                So lets hope that we get a positive answer to our question Your Lushness
                OOOOOOhhhhhh, I DO love a man on his knees..
                HRH Her Lushness

                Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.


                • #9
                  Yep. Right on top of us now. RAIN RAIN RAIN - TORNADOES - WIND - ETC-ETC.

                  Thank you for your concern.

                  REBEL MODERATOR

                  ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hippie View Post
                    Yep. Right on top of us now. RAIN RAIN RAIN - TORNADOES - WIND - ETC-ETC.

                    Thank you for your concern.

                    Nice - NOT! Just stay safe while it's happening.


                    Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

                    Some blog ramblings


                    • #11
                      Seems to be moving out towards the North now into Missouri. Good riddance. We have had some close calls with tornadoes, wind, flooding.

                      Keeping on topic - apples probably all got knocked to the ground !

                      REBEL MODERATOR

                      ...lay down the boogie and play that funky music 'til ya die...'til ya die !"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hippie View Post
                        Keeping on topic - apples probably all got knocked to the ground !

                        Well don't forget then, keep them to one side for a week or so to let the skins loosen a little before you "start" on them.

                        Hopefully they'll have been ripe enough to have the requisite amount of sugar in them.........otherwise it might be time for a cyser


                        Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

                        Some blog ramblings

