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New filter

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  • New filter

    My better half got me a boots filter off ebay with 100 filter pads, it cost her less than £6 Anyway, today after cleaning it up and sterilising it, I ran a gallon of rioja through it, expecting it to be a slow drip drip drip affair but it ran through the filter almost as fast as it takes just to rack it. Are they always this fast? I know it worked because I checked the pad afterwards and I could see plenty of stuff and this was wine I would say had cleared nicely. Wow I love this filter! The way you syphon with it to start with makes it easier than racking
    Wine making noob

  • #2
    Originally posted by SpudtheBinx View Post
    My better half got me a boots filter off ebay with 100 filter pads, it cost her less than £6 Anyway, today after cleaning it up and sterilising it, I ran a gallon of rioja through it, expecting it to be a slow drip drip drip affair but it ran through the filter almost as fast as it takes just to rack it. Are they always this fast? I know it worked because I checked the pad afterwards and I could see plenty of stuff and this was wine I would say had cleared nicely. Wow I love this filter! The way you syphon with it to start with makes it easier than racking
    I suspect that if you tried to run some wine through that was still partly cloudy, then you'd soon see how quickly it can clog up!

    I also have one of these, and it should be bourne in mind that they're for "polishing" the wine, not removing sediment like that.

    Hence it sounds like you'd already done a good job of clearing the wine so there wasn't that much to filter out of it....


    Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

    Some blog ramblings


    • #3
      Yes indeed

      clear wine runs through the filter fast.....

      Filters are used to polish clear wines, you can filter out some cloudiness, but its a real slow job, and not what the filter was designed for.

      Member of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Makers Society (Yorkshire's newest)
      Wine, mead and beer maker


      • #4
        You sure you got filter "pads" there and not filter "papers"....just sounds like a heck of a lot of pads for someone to have
        Alcohol causes you to forget things, and some other stuff I don't remember!


        • #5
          Yes they are papers.
          Wine making noob


          • #6
            Originally posted by SpudtheBinx View Post
            Yes they are papers.
            Thought so......this is what you need:

            Alcohol causes you to forget things, and some other stuff I don't remember!


            • #7
              Here's a further tip, if you put the empty demijohn on the floor and the wine to be polished on a kitchen work top
              then you get a decent static head, this will help the flow rate.


              • #8
                Wurzel, thanks for the post about the pads. Whats the advantage of the pads over the papers?

                BorderTerrier, thanks for the tip, thats exactly what I did. Perhaps thats why I was suprised at the speed of the filter as I normaly dont syphon over such a drop but I got a good long piece of tubing on saturday do I could do such a thing
                Wine making noob


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SpudtheBinx View Post
                  Wurzel, thanks for the post about the pads. Whats the advantage of the pads over the papers?
                  Well I'll be perfectly honest with you SB I am surprised the paper worked at all, your wine must have been very well prepared indeed!

                  The pads should do a much better job of polishing and I normally am able to put 2 galls through one pad with no trouble
                  Alcohol causes you to forget things, and some other stuff I don't remember!


                  • #10
                    Yeah the wine was well cleared, it's just a shame that I tasted it after filtering and bottling. Still a few folks at work said they would cook with red wine vinegar
                    Wine making noob


                    • #11
                      It's a very good meat tenderiser, so if you can store some for you culinary adventures.
                      Let's party

                      AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


                      • #12
                        I have a boots filter, and a few filter papers; I would like to know if you can still get filter pads to fit, our Boots stopped selling wine gear a long time ago

                        Happy new year to you all


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Old un View Post
                          I have a boots filter, and a few filter papers; I would like to know if you can still get filter pads to fit, our Boots stopped selling wine gear a long time ago

                          Happy new year to you all
                          Yes you can still get them, most home brew shops stock them.
                          National Wine Judge NGWBJ

                          Secretary of 5 Towns Wine and Beer Society

                          My friends would think I was a nut, turning water into wine....... Lyrics from Solsbury hill by Peter Gabriel

                          Member of THE newest wine circle in Yorkshire!!

