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Chaptalisation ?

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  • #46
    I changed my mind about getting it under an airlock, because I don't have anything left to put it in...

    So I have patted down the cap to firm it up and fitted my cap cover ( a close fitting disk of 3mm foamex) - together, these will make my airlock and I will finish the ferment to dryness in the 200lt fermenter.

    It is virtually colourless, but has a little acidity, so when it is dry, I will drain using the Peacock Dip Tube into the freezer to freeze concentrate it, and then decide what if anything to do with it.


    • #47
      I now know what a sinking cap looks like.

      A week ago, the cap was floating, but definitely 'winelogged'. Today, when I went to draw off the 'wine' into 25lt barrels, I was shocked to see my cap cover floating on wine - ALL the SKINS HAD SUNK. Not just settled under the surface either, they had sunk to the bottom.

      So thanks Steve (NW) I now know what a sunken cap looks like.

