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  • Sparkling

    Great resource I've just read on sparkling, thank you DuffBeer. Only disappointed I didn't read it before I'd thrown in a campden tablet.

    So, it's like this: my chum's grapes have turned out a Lady Penelope pink and very sharp. As I've been pouring in the dextrose (Lady Penelope would approve) I've been tasting it now and again, I used Lalvin EC1118. It's as dry as the Kalahari. By the time I'd got it to 12% I left it and have now racked it into 4djs with a campden in each.

    Ben Turner says start at 11% and when finished - 1 Campden tab per gal and leave 6 months. This was my plan... all but the 11%, which I'd already blown.

    Has anyone tried this way (sorry DuffBeer, yours sounds easier) and should I make up another champagne yeast starter, add dextrose and hope it survives a dive into all that alcohol - or should I be mean and water it down to 11% (should be easy enough to add about 10% of boiled-cooled-water)?

    Oh, PS: should I de-gas? seems daft if the objective is to get gas back, but then I think CO2 is toxic to yeast and degassing may give the new yeast a better chance?

    Now bottling 20DJs of 2013 red and making room to rack 5 carboys of 2014 red to the DJs where they can wait for another winter.
    Thank goodness for eBay! (local cache of DJs)