Well guys, it's been about 5 years I reckon since I posted here asking if kit wines are ok nowadays and having a go with a few kits. Up to now, Beaverdale Barolo, and chateaux du voi have been my favourite, I have also tried merlot and a few others from the Beaverdale range, along with a kenridge classic Barolo.
I, personally really love my own wine, but don't force it on others when visiting(always have a bought bottle in the rack for guests) although when friends do come over, I ask their opinion, and although generally complimentary the common conclusion is that the wine is not full bodied enough.
Now, before I started making wine my favourite tipple was chateaux Neuf du pape(rarely bought as about £15 a bottle) but now I find my taste has changed and I prefer my own wine to shop bought.
(And the fact it works out at about £1.70 a bottle)
My question to all is this, is there a way of making wines more full bodied in these 'mid-range' priced kits? Adding sultanas etc maybe?
I have just ordered 2 kits, both kenridge classic, as they have more juice than Beaverdale, so should have fuller bodied results, one called Trilogy, and one Cabernet Shiraz. Both recommended by reviews and the helpful staff at creative wines.
I don't expect the body of the £15 pape wine, but something closer to a bought merlot bottle at say £5 would be nice. Feel the answer is to go for a more expensive kit maybe, say a selection kit, but this starts to defeat the object.
Looking forward to your replies
I, personally really love my own wine, but don't force it on others when visiting(always have a bought bottle in the rack for guests) although when friends do come over, I ask their opinion, and although generally complimentary the common conclusion is that the wine is not full bodied enough.
Now, before I started making wine my favourite tipple was chateaux Neuf du pape(rarely bought as about £15 a bottle) but now I find my taste has changed and I prefer my own wine to shop bought.
(And the fact it works out at about £1.70 a bottle)
My question to all is this, is there a way of making wines more full bodied in these 'mid-range' priced kits? Adding sultanas etc maybe?
I have just ordered 2 kits, both kenridge classic, as they have more juice than Beaverdale, so should have fuller bodied results, one called Trilogy, and one Cabernet Shiraz. Both recommended by reviews and the helpful staff at creative wines.
I don't expect the body of the £15 pape wine, but something closer to a bought merlot bottle at say £5 would be nice. Feel the answer is to go for a more expensive kit maybe, say a selection kit, but this starts to defeat the object.
Looking forward to your replies