If you keep the pulp from your Elderberry wine, you can make a gallon (4.5L) of second run wine in a dry rose style.
Elderberry pulp from first wine
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) fully ripe bananas
1L Carton white 100% grape juice
2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) granulated sugar
2 Campden tablets
1⁄2 tsp. potassium Sorbate
1 tsp. yeast nutrient
2 tsp. citric acid
Lalvin RC212 or any Burgundy wine yeast
Step by Step
Bring ( 2L ) of water to boil. Meanwhile, place elderberry pulp (in nylon straining bag) in the primary fermentation vessel and add sugar and grape concentrate in primary. Pour boiling water over contents of primary and stir until sugar is dissolved. Cover primary.
Put another ( 2L ) of water on to boil.
Cut bananas, skins and all, into 1⁄2 inch slices and add to boiling water. Cover pot and boil for 25 minutes.
Skim any scum off water and strain to remove fruit.
Add banana liquid to primary and re-cover primary.
When cooled to room temperature, stir in citric acid and yeast nutrients and yeast, re-cover primary, and set aside.
Stir twice daily for 2 days – 3 if additional color requires it.
Remove straining bag, squeeze lightly, transfer to secondary, add one finely crushed and dissolved Campden tablet, top up if required, and fit airlock.
Rack every 60 days until wine falls clear and no sediments form during 30-day period. Stabilize with potassium Sorbate and one finely crushed and dissolved Campden tablet and bottle this wine dry. Allow to age 6 months.
Start S.G. 1092 (approx)
Finish S.G. 994 (approx)
Alcohol :- 13.1% ABV
Acidity :- 0.65%
Tannin:- 0.05%
Elderberry pulp from first wine
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) fully ripe bananas
1L Carton white 100% grape juice
2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) granulated sugar
2 Campden tablets
1⁄2 tsp. potassium Sorbate
1 tsp. yeast nutrient
2 tsp. citric acid
Lalvin RC212 or any Burgundy wine yeast
Step by Step
Bring ( 2L ) of water to boil. Meanwhile, place elderberry pulp (in nylon straining bag) in the primary fermentation vessel and add sugar and grape concentrate in primary. Pour boiling water over contents of primary and stir until sugar is dissolved. Cover primary.
Put another ( 2L ) of water on to boil.
Cut bananas, skins and all, into 1⁄2 inch slices and add to boiling water. Cover pot and boil for 25 minutes.
Skim any scum off water and strain to remove fruit.
Add banana liquid to primary and re-cover primary.
When cooled to room temperature, stir in citric acid and yeast nutrients and yeast, re-cover primary, and set aside.
Stir twice daily for 2 days – 3 if additional color requires it.
Remove straining bag, squeeze lightly, transfer to secondary, add one finely crushed and dissolved Campden tablet, top up if required, and fit airlock.
Rack every 60 days until wine falls clear and no sediments form during 30-day period. Stabilize with potassium Sorbate and one finely crushed and dissolved Campden tablet and bottle this wine dry. Allow to age 6 months.
Start S.G. 1092 (approx)
Finish S.G. 994 (approx)
Alcohol :- 13.1% ABV
Acidity :- 0.65%
Tannin:- 0.05%