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Pineapple wine.

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  • Pineapple wine.

    Hi everybody, im just wondering about my wine ive made, i made it from a proper pineapple a couple of months ago, should i leave it for a few months now to get better or maybe even a year?.

  • #2
    Have you tried it? How does it taste?

    If you like it now, drink it and get some more on the go. If it's not yet to your taste, wait a while longer. It may get better with age.

    Have you bottled it yet, or is it still in a demijon?



    • #3
      Nice Avatar Rich I think some one's going to be jealous. Gotta love this hobby


      • #4
        Yes ive bottled it today.
        It tastes ok but it may taste even better if i leave it, well thats what i thought.


        • #5
          Hopefully you've put the date on the bottle, and taken notes in a winelog of the recipe etc. If when you try it later on you like it, you can always make more!

          If you can be bothered, make notes when you try it in 1 or 2 months time, and keep those with your original recipe/log. I don't, but at times I wish I had.. I still don't though.. most of my stuff is scribbled on a shorthand notebook, I've progressed to an a4 spiral bound pad now though!



          • #6
            That is a good idea, i should make notes but i dont.To tell the truth, i made this wine in january and forgot it was in the back of the cupboard covered with towels.
            I found it by mistake the other day crystal clear.


            • #7
              I'm also guilty of the shorthand notebook... it was ok, until it went from my wine book, to... my notebook, to... the house notebook...

              I half expect to see the milk man has left a few reminders in there now!

