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  • smoothies

    can you make wine out of smoothies from the supermarket

  • #2
    Originally posted by flower View Post
    can you make wine out of smoothies from the supermarket
    I don't see why not.

    I believe that they're pasturised and if you check the ingredients it may be that the only type of preservative might be something like ascorbic acid/vit C, if any.

    It might depend on what's actually in the smoothy as to what recipe/additives you might need to use i.e. pectolase to prevent pectin hazing in the finished product and if the smoothy has banana in it, it may be that you'd need to use the enzyme that prevents starch hazes as well (I can't remember what it's called at the moment).

    How much you'd need to the gallon might need a bit of working out as well, but I still don't see why you couldn't do this.



    p.s. Oh and they must be fermentable because I've seen on the telly where they've had problems with smoothies exploding in the chiller cabinets if they're not kept at the right temperature i.e. they've apparently, started to ferment! Which suggests the presence of wild yeasts, so maybe they're not pasturised after all!
    Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

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    • #3
      'Innocent' smoothies are the ones that exploded because they haven't been pastuerised and have no preservatives in them. I don't know about other brands, you'd need to check the labels.

      However it might work out a relatively expensive way of making wine when fruit juices are readily available. You would also have the problem of the 'pulp'. I made a pear wine from juice with pulp included and it was a bugger to clear.
      Last edited by Mamgiowl; 21-06-2008, 09:45 AM.
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      AKA Brunehilda - Last of the Valkaries


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mamgiowl View Post
        'Innocent' smoothies are the ones that exploded because they haven't been pastuerised and have no preservatives in them. I don't know about other brands, you'd need to check the labels.
        Sounds like you saw the same story/report that I did Jan (watchdog or something like that ??)
        However it might work out a relatively expensive way of making wine when fruit juices are readily available. You would also have the problem of the 'pulp'. I made a pear wine from juice with pulp included and it was a bugger to clear.
        Now the pulp is something I didn't think of - though I seem to recall reading about it (on a post of yours and elsewhere).

        So maybe it would be expensive. I'm thinking along the lines of needing a fair amount of "smoothy" to start with, so you'd end up with a reasonable quantity of must that had enough of the fruit taste to take some dilution once any pulp had been filtered/racked off.

        Not that the "Innocent" brand are the cheapest ones (personally we just get the fruit and chuck it in the liquidiser). Though making them myself like that, means that with some fruit, it chops the hell out of any seeds and they can be a little gritty (most berry fruits haven't been too bad, but kiwi's are a real PITA).

        I seem to recall something that Bob posted about the possibility of getting "off flavours" from pip/seed debris somewhere.

        So maybe it's "do-able" but not such a master plan or particularly cost effective after all!


        Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

        Some blog ramblings

