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Rhubarb winner

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  • Rhubarb winner

    Just wanted to share my experience with a rhubarb wine which I bottled last december and served it this new years eve at a friends. Must say it went down very well. The girls loved it. I found it was plesently dry with a fruity aroma and nice tannic taste on the palate. They thoughty it had a taste similar to pineapple. But each to their own.
    The recipie I adapted from was CJ Berry`s "making wine from tinned fruit". Exept I made two demijohns worth with most of the clear juice transfered into one demi john after the initial ferment and another demijohn containing more pulp. This was then settled off and the clearing wine was then filled into one demijohn. So two into one if that makes sense.
    Really happy with the out come anyway. Just wish Id have done it in one of my carboys!!

  • #2
    You didn't happen to write down the recipe did you?. I have a rhubarb plant I tried to kill numerous times, the thing is like the "terminator", it won't die, but if I can make a nice wine out of it, I'll have lots of product to make it from. Question while I am at it. I'd think the age of the rhubarb would make a big difference. I do use some each year, (rhubarb and custard, jam etc) I Put big pots over it to force it, after that I've been cutting it back to let other veg grow.
    Keep on Truckin


    • #3
      As mentioned this was a tinned recipie used with a large tine of hartleys rhubarb.
      Sugar added to an SG of 90
      2 tablespoons of pectolase
      2 teaspooons Nutrient mix
      Yeast ( Cannot remember the variety but brand wise it was Vinters HArvest)
      Water to just over 2 gallons

      A cold water method used otherwise you can make jelly!

      As far as your rhubarbs concerned, you could put some sort of cover or old bin over the top around this time and force the rhubarb, it will then ( Bob may correct me if Im in the rhubarb triangle ! ) contain more sugar and less oxalic acid...I believe.

